Three Vietnamese Organizations in Diaspora Protest against

Selling Viet Women on E-bay


The following is a  letter addressed  to Ms Meg Whitman, President/CEO of E-bay by The National Congress of Vietnamese Americans, Vietnamese-American Public Affairs Committee, and Vietnamese Professionals Society - D.C. Chapter protesting against E-bay for condoning human trafficking:




Nghi Hội Toàn Quốc Người Việt Tại Hoa Kỳ
6433 Northanna Drive • Springfield, VA 22150
Phone/Fax (877) 592-4140 • Phone/Fax (703) 719-5764 •



March 5, 2004


Meg Whitman
eBay, Inc.
2145 Hamilton Avenue
San José, CA 95125


RE: Trafficking of Human Person


Dear Ms. Whitman,


We are outraged and offended at eBay’s lack of respect for human decency and its promotion of the trafficking of human persons on its website. The auction item in question is # 2791370283 - the selling of Vietnamese women to Taiwan.



Your enforcement of human rights is lacking and deplorable. This auction item and all similar ones should not be an auction item on your website for any length of time. Although a foreign government may condone the trafficking of its citizens as an export product, this does not relieve eBay of its corporate responsibility to conduct itself in an ethical and lawful manner.


We understand that you are not the perpetrators of the trafficking of human persons; however, the use of your system and network to conduct such illegal transactions makes eBay a culprit and conspirator to the criminal act. Additionally, eBay does not list the trafficking of human persons as a “Prohibited and Restricted Item” on your website.


We demand a review of auction items on eBay and the removal of any prohibited items under eBay’s rules and International Law. We encourage the development of a system to review items to be auctioned prior to their postings on eBay and the barring of any individuals who are known to have violated the law and eBay’s rules of conduct.


We will regularly monitor and review your site for any future illicit auction items.


Undersigned by the following organizations,

The National Congress of Vietnamese Americans
Vietnamese-American Public Affairs Committee
Vietnamese Professionals Society - D.C. Chapter